Its been 6 months since my last post! I'm ashamed to say i had completely forgotten about the blog, been too wrapped up in our chaotic, exciting, never dull homeschooling journey. But ive decided its time i got my sluggish bum into gear and actually started keeping a record of our home-ed life, as the more im edging towards unschooling the more i feel the need to keep at least some record of what weve been doing and discovering if only to show family and friends who are concerned that he may not actually be learning anything! Also, i fear that when we eventually have a visit from the LEA they will want some evidence of learning too. Of course its very hard to quantify what Hayden has been learning as we don't do any formal work and instead learn through being, imitation and doing. We visit woods and park and museums and animal farms. We learn about nature by being out in it, we learn about history from museums and conversations with each other and everyone around us, we learn about science by doing home experiments and through everyday things. We learn social and emotional skills by being with other feral, free range home ed children of various ages. We learn important life skills like cooking, gardening, cleaning, sewing etc by doing them together and by myself modelling them around the children. Hayden knows his numbers, letters etc and can do quite advanced maths just from life and im not worried if he knows these things as well as his schooled peers as for now they arent what's important to us. There are plenty of years ahead for these, for now we are enjoying life and all its magic and wonder while he's still at an age where the world holds no bounds and is continuously exciting and fresh. I say we as our journey is one for all of us, myself, the boys and Luke. I am rediscovering whats really important to me, simple, blissful living in and around nature learning simple joyful things and enjoying my time with my boys. I have included some photos of different things we've been doing and experiencing in the last 6 months sice my last post. I dont use the camera as often as i should, mainly because im enjoying the moments while im in them but will be taking my little camera everywhere with me now so as not to miss the beautiful moments that are so many and so few.
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