We try and celebrate quite a few festivals and seasonal celebrations throughout the year in our house. It helps us keep in rhythm with seasons and is good fun. So on May Day we read about the history of the day and some related poems and songs in our 'Festivals, Family and Food' book and made a may pole which we decorated with a few ribbons and some crepe paper. Then we danced around it singing a may day song which the boys both loved, they giggled their heads off. We also had a little barbeque in the garden and both boys enjoyed helping daddy turn the food over and move it from the barbeque to the plates. Arthur gets so much enjoyment from helping with things mummy and daddy do, hes just as happy helping me peg the washing out or chop up the vegetables for dinner as he is to play with toys.
We havent been doing a lot this week, im very tired all the time at the moment and our car is on the blink so we've been taking it even slower than usual.
We have started going swimming again, and i didnt realise how much the boys have missed it until they were in the water again having a lovely time. They are both confident in the water, Hayden loves going under and diving in etc and arties happy to float around with mummy and splash about in his armbands.
Today we have been at home and Hayden has done his Nina and the Neurons magazine from cover to cover and really enjoyed it. His pencil control is getting a lot better and his forming of letters is really good. He can write quite a few letters from memory now and all of his name without being shown the letters which isnt bad seeing as ive never pushed it and just helped him do it when he has the interest to. We read lots of stories today cuddled up in bed, Artie is getting so much better at sitting for stories now and getting engrossed in them. I havent read to him as much as i did with Hayd at his age but he is just as interested and has as big a love of books as his brother.
Hayden finally used the magic giant bubble wand he had for his birthday from my friend Mathilde. He loved making up the bubble juice and making huge bubble tunnels and artie was enthralled watching and popped quite a few. Recently we made our own bubble wands using toilet roll tubes to blow through, and also ones made from string and straws which were great fun and he wanted to use those again today too.
Looking forward to a relaxed lazy weekend to end our lazy week, hopefully involving messy baking fun, stories and lots and lots of cuddles.